Hi, my name is

Yuya Minamide.
Frontend Developer.

I am a Frontend Developer.
I am specialized in frontend development
using React.js, Next.js, Typescript, and Redux.

About Me

As a front-end developer with a background in computer science and machine engineering, I have strong skills in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React.js, and Next.js. I am a hard worker with good communication skills and a proven ability to problem-solve and think creatively. I am confident in my ability to create high-quality, user-friendly web experiences and am excited to bring my skills and experience to a new team.

My Portfolio

Vocabulary muster app

React.js, Node.js, Express.js, Redux-toolkit, Styled-component, MongoDB

This app will help you memorize your new vocabulary. It has been created using React.js and Node.js.


Food delivery app

Next.js, Node.js, Express.js, Redux-toolkit, Styled-component, MongoDB

This app helps surfers and others find affordable, tasty food on the beach, even in rural areas without delivery services. Restaurant owners can also sell their products through the app.

Netflix clone app

Next.js, TypeScript, Recoil, Tailwind, MUI, Firebase, Stripe

This is a Netflix clone app that uses the TMDB API, allowing you to sign up, subscribe, and access a diverse selection of movie trailers. Additionally, users have the option to add movies tp their own movie lists.


Login authentication system

Node.js, Passport.js, Express.js, EJS, Tailwind, MongoDB

This is a login authentication system. You can log in with your email address, Google, Github, or Twitter.

Cafe Drink Customizer

Next.js, TypeScript, SCSS, Firebase

This web app generates personalized drink menus for indecisive customers. It offers custom options for those who don't know what to order, making the decision-making process easier.


Portfolio Site

Next.js, Styled-component

My portfolio site showcases my projects and skills using Next.js for server-side rendering and Styled Components for easy and reusable styling.

Weather forecast chat bot

Node.js, Express.js, OpenWeather API, LINE API

This chat bot will reply with the 4-day weather forecast for the city posted by the user. Weather forecast data is obtained from the OpenWeather API.


My Skills

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • JS

  • React

  • Next

  • TS

  • Node

  • MUI

  • SC

  • Supabase

  • MySQL

  • MongoDB

  • Firebase

  • AWS

  • Figma

  • Git

  • GitHub

My Contact

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